To say it briefly, the artificial intelligence is actually described as the brainpower which is exhibited via an artificial unit. This is completely separate section of computer science dealing through sharp behavior, knowledge. Research in artificial intelligence is concerned with producing appliances to computerize jobs requiring pointed actions. This is where the medical expert system comes into the picture. The expert system is one of the most frequent applications of artificial intelligence. It is a set of programs to manipulate knowledge to solve problems within a specialized domain that necessitates human expertise. Thus, the expert system is known as knowledge based system. It is basically a computer curriculum which contains a number of subject specific information of one or more human experts. Usually such systems include a knowledge base containing accumulated experience as well as a set of rules used for applying the knowledge base to every particular situation. The most important features of expert system are user interface, data representation, inference and explanations. Also, it gives many advantages like fast response, increased reliability, reduced cost, reducing errors, multiple expertise, intelligent database and reduced danger. In this post, I will be talking about one such source that can surely help you with this medical system. So, let’s get started.
The Medical Expert System: Some Useful Demos From VisiRule!
To understand the concept of medical expert system, I was looking for the perfect platform and thus I have stumbled upon the platform of VisiRule. Here I am listing all the details of the system demos. They have a mixture of text, logic, formulae, algorithms, calculations, explanations, definitions, links and graphics.
It obvious that medical knowledge is very well suited to VisiRule as medical practitioners such as doctors, consultants, etc. All of them do not actually prefer to have to rely on programmers. Here, the visual models offer a viable way of presenting and defining medical diagnosis and treatment protocols. This also includes the many processes involved, such as, gathering personal data, establishing symptoms etc.
It can also include the data collected from connected devices so that not all questions are asked of the patient or physician. This may also include the 'soft' data such as lifestyle and mental fortitude. Platforms like Modern technology, aka MedTech, can enable medical knowledge to be commoditized and offered to a wide audience.
One of the best things about medical expert systems is that they provide a way of sharing specialist expert knowledge with a wide audience. With the competent tools of VisiRule, one can now share the invaluable medical knowledge directly 24/7. This can be used by people maybe without easy access to healthcare professionals, on standard devices, in the form of interactive expert systems applications. This platform can also be used to build Wellness advisory systems.
What Else?
Medical Expert system software and other such platform has been around for many years now and they have always rendered a perfect rules-based approach to knowledge capture and execution. So what else would you like to know about this system? Let us know in the comments section and I will be addressing them in the comments section. Also, share your experience if you have used this system before. This will be very helpful for the readers. Till then share this post and keep following for more related articles.
